What To Choose?? And How Will I Know It Is The Right Decision???

So, what to choose? What is the right decision? How can I analyse it further to be sure it’s the right one? How will I know it will make me happy?

When we were kids, did we look at the playground thinking: mmmmm, I don’t know, should I first go with the monkey bars, then the slippery slope thing, or would I be happier just playing in the sand? But what game should I do in the sand? And if I do this today, then what will I do tomorrow in the playground? Ooooooh, I don’t know what to do and I’m sure there’s a better way to go play and be happy!

Just imagine telling a child that is what is going on in your head now…  Aren’t we strange creatures, in some ways wiser as children than as adults…

What is the big difference between then and now? 

Back then, we didn’t overthink it, we didn’t even doubt we’d have a good time, we just started with the idea that we were going to have fun and try the different play things there and make new friends. 

Isn’t it funny that now, we sometimes stress so much about making the right choice, the choice that must make us the happiest, that the whole process makes us miserable. And then, we are not in the right frame of mind to actually make that choice!

For sure, some choices will be better then others, and some can be “scary”. But when you think about it, how often did you dread something happening because of a potential wrong choice and how many times did this dreaded thing actually happen?

Even if the playground had no toys, no things to climb on, we still managed to have fun, so if we could do it then, there is no reason why we can’t now is there?

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So like we did back then instinctively, we now have to just see the situation for what it is, remember that we can’t know all outcomes, but that no matter what, we can make the most out of the situation.

And for sure, there is a time for planning and analysing is great but not to the detriment of getting “out there”, and just experiencing life. There is a time to think and a time to switch that brain off (and this comes from someone who worked as an engineer for 15 years !)

 Sometimes, we live so much in our heads, we analyse, ponder, think so much, that we forget how to just be, and can even get to the point to wonder what being actually means.

So if the choices you have to make are driving you crazy despite all the analysis you might have put into them, try getting out of your head for a minute, tell your brain to stay quiet and just “be” like you were as a happy playing kid.

What do you have to loose anyway?

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