The Year Is Ending And That Change Still Hasn’t Happened….

So, you keep on contemplating “that” change.

How can it almost be the end of the year already?! Where has time gone by? What have I done with myself? Why have I not achieved that “thing” I’ve been planning?….

Change. It can be so paralysing to just think about it. Whether it’s big or small, a total change of direction or a small tweaking, it can look like a mountain that cannot be crossed.

So many questions…
What will people think? How will they take me seriously? Am I just throwing away what I’ve done / learnt before?….

We can end up “torturing ourselves” into imagining these obstacles as immovable barriers and give up before even starting.

Perspective. We really need perspective.

The thing is, we have gone through change all our lives and tend to forget it.
When we started this adventure, we had no idea how to talk, no idea how to walk and still, somehow, we managed it.
Back then, we had no concept of time, of when we were meant to learn to do those things and yet, they happened.
And we kept on changing, changing our view of the world as we learnt more about it, changing what or how we wanted to be in it, and it was “allowed”. Change was expected throughout our childhood and early adulthood and was ok.

But then, it seems that often we think that once we hit “adulthood”, that’s it, we are meant to remain the same, with the same ideas, the same dreams, the same way of dealing with life as we did, as a demonstration of our reached maturity, our stability, our “understanding” that dreams are of the past… When was that decided?
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But if change was ok back then, why not now? If you’ve been able to “achieve” all these changes for the first 20 years of your life, why can’t you achieve more changes now, as you now have more tools, more knowledge, more wisdom

Drawing too many conclusions from what has been tagged as failures?
How about looking at what you’ve actually managed to achieve?

So yes, change can be scary. And yes, some people might disagree with what you want to do. And yes, it might require some effort. And yes, we might stumble on the way.

But what is the alternative? No change?
How many more years will those ideas be in your head, nagging you, bringing frustration, even sadness at times?

The year is ending. It is meant to be a time of reflection.

Reflection is great.

But reflection alone will not be enough.

Make sure that your reflection includes why you really want that change, what brings a smile to your face when you think about it.

And make sure that it finishes with a real decision about what you will do moving forward to make it happen.

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